Monday, July 23, 2012

Big Brother 14 July 22, 2012 Recap: Houseguest Removed from the Game

Tonight's Big Brother 14 episode opens with reviewing the end of the Head of Household (HOH) competition.  Frank's the winner, which isn't a good thing for Willie and he knows it.  Janelle is excited Frank has won and decides to break her alliance with Brittney in order to work with Frank and keep her players safe another week.  Shane worries that he might be a target now that Frank is the HOH.  He says it was good to be aligned with Willie when he was the HOH, but now he is thinking about breaking his alliance with Willie to keep himself safe another week.

Janelle tells Brittney that she can't control her players and Willie's antics have made it impossible for her team to work with Brittney's.  Brittney feels really bad about choosing Willie for her team and she hopes to win the Coaches Challenge so she can trade him for someone else (I don't blame her)!

Dan tells Danielle she needs to float through the next few weeks to stay safe.

JoJo goes to talk with Frank.  She tells him she doesn't agree with what Willie's done and that she's a loyal person.  Frank assures her that things between them are good.  She thinks she's worked her magic on him.

Everyone goes up to see Frank's HOH room.  Boogie reminds us that the coach of the HOH also gets a room in the Head of Household suite.  Boogie finds pictures of his son in his room and talks about how much he misses him.  Willie tells us that he isn't in the Big Brother house to be comfortable; he is there to win.

Brittney talks with Willie privately and tells him how his behavior is affecting everyone on their team.  Willie tells her he came there to play an individual game, not a team game.  He tells us that his relationship with Brittney will probably be a distant one from here on out.

Shane and Danielle flirt some while Frank, Jenn, and Ian are around.  Jenn thinks it's kind of cute.  Danielle says Frank's flirting with her and she kind of likes being chased.

Brittney talks with Dan and Boogie about the twist this week - that a coach can either keep a player safe or trade a player if he or she wins the Coaches Challenge.  Boogie suggests if Brittney trades Willie, Shane may become the new target.  Brittney tells us that she would be stupid not to trade Willie for someone else.

Dan and Janelle talk about how much they miss their families.

Ian decides to ask Ashley out on a slop date and she says sure.  He dresses up and picks Ashley up for their date.  Ashley asks him the difference between organic and inorganic chemistry.  Ian gives her a silk flower.  Ian thinks a showmance might help his game and if the two of them play their cards right, they could go far in the game together.  He toasts them being in the Big Brother house together for many weeks to come.

Brittney, Shane, and JoJo discuss how they all want to cut ties with Willie so that his actions won't affect them in the game.

This week's Coaches Competition has the coaches transferring a stack of money stacks from one side of a balance beam to the other.  The pants they're wearing only allows them to move from side to side.  If someone touches the ground before transferring all the stacks and hitting the button, they are disqualified from the competition.

Brittney has a big lead on everyone.  But then she drops a money stack and she's out of the competition.  She apologizes to her team.  Mike and Janelle are neck and neck for the win.  Mike has all of his cash transferred, but he puts his foot on the ground before hitting the button, so he's also disqualified.  Janelle wins the coaches competition.  She says that Boogie's ego cost him the win.

Janelle chooses not to trade any of her players.  She decides to keep Ashley safe this week.  She also gets to choose four Have Nots for the week and she picks Willie, Shane, JoJo, and Ian.  JoJo thinks it's mean that Janelle made Shane be a Have Not for the second week in a row (but this is Ian's second week as a Have Not as well and nobody mentions that...).

When they go inside, everyone sees that America has chosen them to have pork rinds and pudding in addition to slop this week.  JoJo complains about how gross pork rinds are while Ian is thrilled about having pudding this week as a Have Not.

Willie tries talking to JoJo, but Brittney tells her not to talk to him.  Brittney tells Willie that them being with him puts targets on their backs.  Willie tells everyone not to blame his team for what he did.

Joe says something that really upsets Willie.  Willie charges at him and gets a couple of headbutts and shoves in before a voice comes over the loudspeaker that tells Willie to go to the back bedroom.  The voice then tells Joe not to follow him.  Joe is not innocent in all of this as he was practically daring Willie to hit him, but that is never addressed as far as we can tell.

Another voice comes over the loudspeaker and tells Willie to go to the diary room immediately.  The executive producer, Allison Grodner, comes on the loudspeaker and tells the rest of the houseguests that violence is not tolerated in the Big Brother house and Willie has been removed from the game.

Frank still gets to make nominations for the week, though we don't see them tonight.  We'll see that in the next episode airing on Wednesday, I suspect.

What did you think of tonight's episode?

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