Shane tells Frank he isn't the target, he is safe from eviction and Frank believes him. But we all know Frank is the real target this week as Shane's said so in the diary room several times. Frank tells Boogie that he is safe this week. Boogie questions Frank about whether he knew he'd be a replacement nominee or not and when Frank says he had an idea that he would be, Boogie becomes upset because Frank didn't run straight to him and tell him this information. Sometimes I think the coaches act more like parents in this game than coaches....
Upstairs in the HoH room, Janelle's team praises Shane for making such a bold move in the game. He says it's either the best or the dumbest move he could have made. I think it's the dumbest, personally. He's putting a bigger target on his back.
Brittney and Janelle have an interesting conversation about emotions. Brittney confesses to feeling sad, lonely, and depressed many days in the house. Janelle says she never cries, though. She says she doesn't really feel sad or happy on any given day. She admits she wouldn't cry at a stranger's funeral and she didn't cry when she came in third place the last two times she played Big Brother. Brittney observes the lack of emotion Janelle possesses would come in handy in a game like this.
At a team meeting, Janelle and Wil disagree over how "evil" Frank is. Janelle says the only reason Wil is still in the house is because she's gone around kissing everyone's butt for him. Wil is quite annoyed by this statement and I can't say I blame him.
Wil expresses his frustration with Janelle to Joe. Joe starts freaking out, thinking Wil might vote against him tonight. Joe goes to tell Ashley and together they talk to Janelle about the situation. Janelle starts worrying that if Wil flips on Joe, she'll lose both Wil and Joe.
Janelle goes to talk with Wil. She gets "upset" and cries. Her tears are fake (she even admits to it in the diary room), but she's willing to do whatever she needs to do to keep her players in line. Wil is too smart to believe her crocodile tears, though. He tells us that he will not trust a thing Janelle says from here on out in the diary room.
Dan talks with Boogie about turning against Janelle's team. Dan talks with Danielle about voting against Janelle's team, but Danielle isn't sure. Dan ends up telling her to not let her crush on Shane get in the way of her winning the game.
Julie Chenn talks with the houseguests in the living room before they are supposed to vote who they want evicted this week. Ian says he will use the $3,000 Boogie gave him for basic necessities like rent and food. Boogie says he doesn't feel guilty about taking the largest share of the prize money he won. Julie asks about the kiss Shane and Danielle shared earlier in the week. Danielle rates it a 10 and Shane rates it a 10.5.
When Julie talks with Shane privately, Shane admits he thinks Danielle is a sweet girl, but he doesn't want a showmance. He also tells her that he doesn't trust Boogie and that's his real reason for putting Frank up as a replacement nominee.
Before the voting is supposed to begin, Julie informs all the houseguests that America has been voting on whether or not to give the coaches a chance to get back into the game. America has voted "Yes!" Each coach will enter the diary room and decide whether to press a "reset" button or not. If a coach decides to press the button, it means he or she wants back into the game and all of the coaches will be entered into the game. If all the coaches say "No," Julie says some of the evicted houseguests will be returning to the game next week.
Additionally, if the game is reset by any coach, there will be no eviction tonight and everyone will be participating in the HoH competition.
Brittney decides to reset the game.
Boogie chooses NOT to enter the game.
Dan chooses to enter the game.
Janelle chooses to reset the game.
So the game is reset.
Everyone goes outside to play in the HoH competition. Even Shane, the previous HoH, gets to participate. All the houseguests have to stand on a tin plank. The last person left standing on the plank is the new HoH. It's an endurance competition. The ship tilts and rain is dumped on them to make it harder to endure.
Any predictions on who the new HoH will be? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
My money's on Frank!