Friday, September 7, 2012

Big Brother 14 September 6, 2012 Recap: Another Double Eviction

Tonight's episode of Big Brother 14 was another double eviction episode, so it's jam-packed with action!

As you may recall, Dan uses the Power of Veto on Jenn and Ian puts Joe up as a replacement nominee.

Frank isn't worried because he thinks he already has the votes to stay in the house, thinking he's in an alliance with Dan, Danielle, and Jenn.  It's rather amusing when Dan is talking with Frank and Dan wonders what will happen if Joe wins the next HoH competition.  Of course this scenario can only occur if Frank is evicted.  Frank gets a little worried, but calms down when Dan assures him he's not getting evicted.

Joe recounts a conversation he and Dan had to "Shane."  Except it isn't Shane, it's Dan, but Joe thought it was Shane because the room was dark.  If I were Dan, I'd let him keep talking to me like I was Shane so I could hear everything Joe had to say about me.

Eviction #1

In his nomination speech, Frank tells everyone he's vulnerable and he can't play in the next HoH competition.  He can't come after anyone, so they should vote to keep him around.

Joe says he's the biggest threat in the kitchen.  LOL.

The houseguests voted like this:

Dan votes to evict Frank.
Shane votes to evict Frank.
Jenn votes to evict Joe.
Danielle votes to evict Frank.

So Frank is *finally* evicted from the Big Brother house after being on the block six times.  Frank is kicking himself for trusting Dan and Danielle again.

Head of Household Competition

Julie Chenn reads quotes aloud from evicted houseguests.  The current houseguests must identify who said it.  Every time someone answers correctly, they get a point.  Whoever has the most points after seven questions is the new HoH.

Question 1: Jenn gets it right.
Question 2: Jenn, Dan, and Danielle get it right.
Question 3: Dan, Danielle, Shane, and Joe get it right.
Question 4: Dan, Danielle, and Jenn get it right.
Question 5: Dan, Danielle, and Jenn get it right.
Question 6: Dan, Danielle, and Jenn get it right.
Question 7: Nobody gets it right.

There's a three-way tie, so Julie asks how many minutes Jodi spent in the house.  The answer is 480.  Dan comes closest with his guess of 363 minutes.  So Dan is the new HoH.


It's funny - Joe sits in the nomination chair before Dan has even said anything.  Dan decides to nominate Joe and Ian.  He tells Ian he hasn't been nominated yet, so he needs to feel what it's like.  I think Dan is trying to hide his alliance with Ian as well.

Power of Veto Competition

In the Power of Veto competition, houseguests are required to take a shark fin through a maze.  Whoever can get their shark fin through the maze and hit their button first wins.  Ian ends up winning it.

Of course Ian decides to take himself off the block.  Dan decides to put Danielle up in his place.  Dan wants to ensure Joe leaves the house, but poor Danielle.

Eviction #2

The houseguests vote this way:

Shane votes to evict Joe.
Jenn votes to evict Joe.
Ian votes to evict Joe.

So Joe leaves the house after being nominated five times.

Next Wednesday will be a special eviction episode.  Thursday another houseguest will be evicted as well, which will take us to the final three.  Any predictions on who might make it?  Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

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