Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Amazing Race Episode 8 Recap/Review: "Let Them Drink Their Haterade"

Dave and Rachel - the winners of the last leg of The Amazing Race - were the first to set out on the eighth leg.  They were told that a U-turn "is up ahead," so all teams knew at the start of the leg that they could potentially be U-turned.  The first clue in this leg told teams to "Take a drive through Africa's Garden of Eden."

All teams got to experience a drive through Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater where everyone had a few minutes to forget about the race.  Teams got a chance to see African wildlife on their drives, such as elephants, lions, baboons, and zebras.  Everyone seemed really amazed by the beauty Africa had to offer.

Next, teams had a detour to complete.  Their choice - "Water Supply," or, "Air Supply."  In "Air Supply," teams were required to fix the flat tires on bicycles.  Bicycles are the top mode of transportation for Tanzania.  In, "Water Supply," teams were required to wait in line with the locals to fill up nine buckets of water.  They had to deliver the full buckets after they were filled in order to receive their next clue.  While, "Air Supply," was more challenging, "Water Supply," was more time-consuming as the line to the community well was pretty long.

Every team except Art and JJ decided to complete, "Air Supply."

Mark and Bopper reached the U-turn first and quickly decided not to use it.  I love these guys - they seem so nice and honest.  Maybe I'm a little biased as I'm from the Midwest myself :)

Rachel and Dave completed the bicycle challenge quickly and reached the U-turn second.  They had made a pact earlier in the race with Art and JJ - that whoever reached the U-turn first would U-turn Brenden and Rachel.  However, Rachel and Dave chose not to U-turn anyone because the "teachers" were so far behind everyone else, they felt they didn't need to U-turn anyone.  A U-turn forces another (trailing) team to complete the other side of the detour.

When Art and JJ reached the U-turn, they figured they were in first place because they didn't see that Brenden and Rachel had been U-turned.  They decided to U-turn Rachel and Brenden to hold up their end of the pact and preceded to the next task.  On the way tot heir next task, JJ wondered if Dave had actually kept his promise or if he'd broken it.

Brenden and Rachel reached the U-turn to discover they had to complete the other side of the detour ("Water Supply).  They decided to U-turn Vanessa and Ralph, for whom they feel a lot of dislike.

Nary and Jamie were way behind everyone else from the start and had a speed bump to complete for being saved from elimination in the last leg of the race.  The girls maintained a positive attitude as they set out for the difficult challenge, though.

In the roadblock, one team member was required to wear a beekeeper's suit and harvest 500 grams of honey from a beehive.  I'm really surprised nobody freaked out here with all the bees!  Either that or the producers chose not to show it, if someone did.  I certainly would not have been calm - there were thousands of bees there swarming all around!  But then again, I'm a chicken, LOL.

While Dave and Rachel and Mark and Bopper were at the bee challenge, Art and JJ arrived.  Art and JJ were surprised to see Dave and Rachel there and confronted them about the pact.  Rachel told them they hadn't used the U-turn because the "teachers" were so far behind that it wouldn't matter.  I agree with that reasoning.  However, JJ became very upset and told Art he doesn't ever want to speak to Rachel and Dave ever again, and that they were done helping them.  Later on, JJ even commented that what Dave and Rachel had done makes him sick to his stomach.  I think JJ really overreacted here.  Dave and Rachel broke their promise, but it didn't call for such an incredibly outburst, in my opinion.

Mark and Bopper completed the challenge and were the first team to make it to the pit stop.  I was happy to see Mark and Bopper grab a first-place finish.  Rachel and Dave came in second.  Art and JJ came in third and Rachel and Brenden came in fourth.

Nary and Jamie had to arrange some art in the same way it was depicted in a diagram for their speed bump.  Even thought they completed the challenge quickly, everyone else was so far ahead of them that it was nearly impossible for them to catch up to the other teams.

Ralph and Vanessa's cab got a flat tire, but the cab driver changed it quickly and they went on their way.  Ralph and Vanessa took fifth place in this leg of the race.

Nary and Jamie weren't surprised to learn that they were the last team to arrive.  They were eliminated from the race, but they chose to focus on the great time they had traveling around the world together.

What did you think of the episode?  Did JJ overreact over the broken promise?  Who do you think will make it into the final three?  Do you have any predictions on which team will win?

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