Thursday, September 20, 2012

Big Brother 14 Finale Recap

Tonight was the Big Brother 14 finale, and there are some real surprises along the way to finding out who wins the $500,000.

Final Head of Household Competition Part One

As you might recall from Sunday, in the first part of the Head of Household competition has the houseguests hanging onto hooks while they're rained on, submerged in water, and slammed against a wall.

The producers show us that before Dan evicted Shane, he had a talk with Ian.  Dan made Ian promise to throw the first part of the Head of Household (HoH) competition.  Ian assumed he was getting evicted, so he agreed to do so.

Later Dan tells Danielle about their conversation in hopes that she will also throw the first part of the competition.

Ian drops off his hook after a mere 17 minutes.  He throws the competition as he promised.  After Ian drops, Dan asks for some time alone with Danielle.  When they're alone, Dan convinces her that he can't beat Ian in part two of the competition.  Danielle seems irritated, but she throws the competition, too!  At this point I want to throw my dinner at the television because they still haven't learned their lesson regarding Dan!

So Dan ends up winning part one of the competition.

HoH Competition Part Two

Between part one and part two of the competition, Dan devises a plan.  He tells Danielle that he will act happy if Ian wins the second part of the HoH competition and that Danielle should act angry.  He tells her to threaten Ian - that if he doesn't take her to the end, she'll taint the jury against him so he won't win.  Dan thinks this plan will get Ian to throw the final part of the HoH competition, allowing Dan to win so he can take Danielle to the end.

In part two of the HoH competition, Danielle and Ian must wipe off photos in a skyscraper, looking for all the evicted houseguests and put them in order.  Whoever does this the fastest wins the second part.

Ian has a good strategy in that he only wipes off the bottom part of the photos first to see whose name is on it.  If it's "Baby Zingbot," then he knows he can skip that one and go onto another one.

Danielle finishes with a time of 7 minutes and 31 second.
Ian finishes with a time of 6 minutes and 4 second.

So Ian wins the second part of the competition.

Dan and Danielle put on their little show after Ian wins the second part of the competition.  Ian just tells them to stop it.  He isn't buying into their game.  Danielle yells at him, but it has no effect on Ian.  Dan asks him to consider throwing the last part of the competition, but Ian says he won't (thank God).

The Jury Deliberates

Shane arrives at the jury house and explains to everyone how he got blindsided by Dan.  Jenn suggests Danielle was in on the plan.

Joe talks about how Ian has made some great moves and tough decisions in the game.  Jenn says she hates that Ian snitched on Frank and Boogie.  Frank is angry that Ian got him out of the house.

Brittney thinks Danielle had an easy time in the house.  Ashley agrees, saying that Danielle just played Dan's game.  Jenn tries to defend her, but there isn't much argument to do so.

The discussion turns to Dan.  Frank says Dan's lies were worse than anyone else's because he swore on his wife and the Bible.  Joe questions Dan's ethics and says he might vote for Dan if he were up against Judas.  LOL!

HoH Competition Part Three

In the final part of the HoH competition, Dan and Ian must guess how an evicted jury member completed each sentence Julie Chenn reads aloud.  She gives two sentence endings to each question they can choose from.

Question 1: Dan and Ian both get it correct.
Question 2: Dan and Ian both get it correct.
Question 3: Ian gets it correct.
Question 4: Ian gets it correct.
Question 5: Ian gets it correct.

Julie says there's no point to going to the sixth question as Ian has won the final Head of Household!!

Final Eviction

Ian has a final two deal with Dan.  He resents that Danielle threatened him.  So he chooses to evict Danielle.

Ian claims that he's evicting Danielle because he had a final two deal with Dan and he wants to honor his word.  Personally, I think that was a dumb move.  I think it would be harder to win against Dan than it would Danielle.

Julie asks Danielle why she didn't try to make a deal with Ian in case he won the final HoH.  Danielle says she was committed to Dan.  She feels Ian made a cowardly move by keeping Dan.  I think it's just the opposite.

Jury Interrogation

Before revealing who the final two are to the jury, Julie asks who they want to see as the final member of the jury.  Frank says Dan.  Brittney says she wants to see Danielle because she believes Ian and Dan deserve to be in the final two more than she does.  Everyone seems to be happy to see Danielle is the final member of the jury.

Ashley asks Ian if he made his own decisions in the Quack Pack.  Ian responds that he made his own decisions, but Dan tries to argue about that.  Julie cuts him off, though, because it's not his question to answer.

Frank asks about Dan swearing on the Bible and on his wife.  Dan says he doesn't regret it; he leaves his morals at the door when he enters the Big Brother house.  However he says if he could do it again, he wouldn't make the same decision.

Jenn remarks that she hates snitches.  She asks Ian about snitching on Boogie and Frank.  Ian replies by saying he used the information they gave him to further himself in the game.

Joe wonders about Dan's comment about getting blood on his hands.  He wants to know what blood Dan got on his hands since he only won one Head of Household competition.  Dan admits that he manipulated people and lied to them throughout the game.  He brings up his funeral, evicting Shane, and getting Joe out of the house.

Brittney asks Ian why he should win the game over Dan.  Ian says he took his destiny into his hands and created the Quack Pack.  He says Dan has always had Danielle by his side, but he (Ian) turned on his alliance (Frank, Boogie, and Jenn).  He also mentions that he's won four HoH competitions and has had the Power of Veto twice.

Shane asks why Dan should win over Ian.  Dan tells everyone that Brittney was controlling Ian's game.

Danielle asks Ian if he knew that she and Dan had a final two deal and if he won the final HoH he was going to take her to the finals.  Ian said he didn't realize that and told everyone Dan had made a final two deal with him and had given him his grandfather's cross necklace as proof.  Dan pipes up and says he would have taken Danielle to the final two.  Ian is quite shocked by this.

Final Arguments

Ian says he's disgusted by Dan's game play.  He says Dan had three lives in this game and he lost two of them right away whereas Ian only had one life.  Ian reiterates how Dan stabbed everyone in the back and brings up his grandfather's cross again.  He ends by saying he took his destiny into his own hands.

Dan says that he had to play a ruthless game.  He spends time sucking up to everyone on the jury, saying Joe and Jenn were great social players, Frank and Shane were great physical competitors, Danielle was his faithful warrior, Brittney is a great competitor, and Ashley was a wild card.

Now it's time for the jury to place their votes.

Non-Jury BB Reunion

The players voted out before the jury was formed return for the finale: Kara, Jodi, Janelle, Boogie, Wil, and JoJo.

Janelle says she was surprised by all of Danielle's lies and that if Dan doesn't win it would be an "absolute travesty."

Boogie talks about how far Ian has come since he first stepped foot into the house.  He has no hard feelings toward Ian for voting him out.

Shane asks Danielle if she knew anything about his eviction and she swears she didn't.  Dan backs her up on that, saying he didn't tell her because he knew she wouldn't have let Dan stab him in the back.  Shane wants to know why Dan evicted him.  Dan says he knew he couldn't beat him in any physical competition and he left all of his morals at the door when he came into the game.

Wil tells everyone that they should be mad at themselves for choosing to believe all of the lies.

The Votes

Who will be the winner of Big Brother 14? I'm rooting for Ian!

Danielle votes for Dan.
Shane votes for Ian.
Jenn votes for Ian.
Joe votes for Ian.
Frank votes for Ian.
Brittney votes for Ian.
Ashley votes for Ian.

So.......Ian wins Big Brother 14!!

Ian is now the youngest winner in Big Brother history!

America's Favorite is Frank, who is awarded $25,000.

Dan played a good game, but I think he played it too aggressively.  I think he could have gotten to the finals without stabbing so many people in the back and telling so many lies.

Ian really transformed during this game.  It is amazing to have seen his journey throughout the summer.  Congratulations, Ian!

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