Thursday, July 19, 2012

Big Brother 14 Episode 4: Live Eviction and Head of Household Competition

I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with MasterChef and Big Brother lately.  I've had to deal with a personal crisis, which I'm not at liberty to discuss.  But the last thing I want to do is be an unreliable blogger, so I am sorry about that.  I'll do my best to stay on top of the shows!

Tonight's episode featured the first live eviction and some major drama.

On Wednesday, we saw Shane win the Power of Veto competition.  He decided it would be in his best interest to not use it and to keep the nomination the same - Kara and Frank.  Shane wants to show Willie he's serious about wanting to work with him.

After the veto ceremony, Frank goes up to the Head of Household (HOH) room to chat with Willie.  Willie lets him know that if he lays low, he won't be going home this week, Kara will.  Frank feels reassured and lets Willie know that he trusts him more than anyone else in the house.  Why that is is beyond me.

Brittney speculates to Willie that she thinks the coaches are going to be put into the game at some point because there are keyholes by the coaches photos like there are by the players photos.  She asks Willie not to tell anyone else about her speculation and he agrees.

Shortly after their conversation, though, Willie calls a "no coaches" house meeting where he advises everyone not to play the coaches' game, but their own individual game.  Wil says he's tired of the game talk and says he's going to take a 24-hour break from it.  However, Willie sees him talking game with someone else shortly afterwards and mocks Wil in front of Frank.  Frank isn't pleased about this, so he runs to tell Joe what he just witnessed.  Of course Joe goes and tells Wil what was said as well.

Wil goes to Brittney and fills her in.  Brittney goes up to the HOH room and informs Willie he's made a big mistake and that everyone in the house is pretty much against him now.

Willie runs outside and confronts Frank.  They have a big fight in the backyard and Willie tells everyone to vote Frank out.  It would seem Frank is going home at this point.  Or is he?  It seems nobody likes Willie right now so maybe they will keep Frank in the house to help get Willie out.

It's time for the live vote.  The votes fall as follows:

Danielle votes for Frank
Shane votes for Frank
Joe votes for Kara
Ian votes for Kara
JoJo votes for Frank
Jenn votes for Kara
Wil votes for Kara
Ashley votes for Kara

Kara is the first house guest evicted by house vote.  Julie Chenn lets Kara know she had a lot of people rooting for her.  Kara listens to her "good bye" messages.

This week's HEH competition is based on memory.  The night before, the house guests were kept awake by video recordings depicting what a burglar did while in the Big Brother house.  Shane is eliminated first.  Suddenly, everyone's out of the competition except for Wil and Frank....looks suspicious, doesn't it?

Frank ends up winning the HOH competition so he's the new Head of Household.

Julie Chenn informs the coaches that this week, whoever wins the coaches competition will be able to decide whether to keep a player safe or to trade one of his or her players for another player from another team.  This could definitely be interesting.

What did you think of this episode?  Any predictions for whom Frank will put up for elimination on Sunday?

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