Saturday, August 18, 2012

Big Brother 14 August 16, 2012 Recap: Live Eviction

First, I just want to let you all know that I'm in the process of packing and moving, but I'll do my very best to stay on top of the recaps!

Thursday's episode of Big Brother 14 begins with a recap of the veto ceremony where Frank decides not to use the Power of Veto on anyone.  

Brittney is upset that Frank even considered backdooring Dan.  

Ashley wants to have an ice cream date with Frank.  She asks Frank out on the date right in front of Ian.  Poor guy.  The date doesn't end up having any ice cream, but alcohol instead.  Ashley has figured out that Wil is the target this week, so her plan is to try to get closer to Frank to try to save Wil from eviction.  However, when she's on her ice cream date with Frank, she tells him she didn't want anyone to think that their date was a game move on her part.  On their date, they discuss the game a while.  Frank ends up asking Ashley if she wants to make out.  She agrees, which was kind of surprising to me.

Julie Chenn lets us know that tonight's HoH contest will contain temptations for the houseguests.  She invites everyone to tweet whether they'd like the houseguests to be tempted with a Have Not pass or with $10,000.

We get to meet Joe's family and see what they think about the way he's playing in the game.  His wife and kids all agree that he needs to stop yelling so much!

Big Brother has brought back fan favorite Jeff Schroeder to chat with Julie Chenn before the eviction.  Jeff has been conducting the interviews with the evicted houseguests this summer.  He tells us that he and Jordan have moved to California together and that she's set a deadline of June 5 for Jeff to propose to her.  Those two are such a cute couple.

Julie gives Jeff a chance to ask her a question.  Jeff asks her what kind of player she would be if she were to play in Big Brother.  Julie says she thinks she'd be a combination of Boogie and Janelle.  She says she definitely would not be a floater!

Julie asks Jeff who he thinks will win this season.  Jeff tries to avoid the question, but admits he is rooting for Ian this season.

Julie decides to fill the houseguests in on some current events like the United States winning the most gold medals in the Olympics and Jennifer Aniston getting engaged.

During the eviction speeches where the nominees for eviction tell the other houseguests why they should keep them in the game, Wil tells the houseguests that whether or not he gets evicted, it's a win-win situation.  He says he has made some great friends in the Big Brother house, but if he's evicted, it won't be so bad because he misses his family everyday.  Joe's speech is long and he jokes about how loud he is in the house.  Julie Chenn tells Joe to wrap it up, so he tells the houseguests to keep him around and he'll continue to cook for them.

The Vote

The votes come in as the following:

Ashley votes to evict Joe.
Boogie votes to evict Wil.
Danielle votes to evict Wil.
Jenn votes to evict Joe.
Dan votes to evict Wil.
Brittney votes to evict Wil.
Shane votes to evict Wil.
Ian votes to evict Wil.

So Wil is evicted from the house.

After he's outside the house, Wil learns that Dan and Boogie were both interest in working with him in the game.

Head of Household Competition

This week's Head of Household competition has the houseguests transferring liquid from one side of a slippery path to the other side using a small cup.  Whoever can raise the liquid level enough to get their cork out first wins the Head of Household.  

Julie informs the houseguests there are two temptations in this week's competition: safety and $10,000.  Whomever fills up these smaller jugs first wins that temptation.  However, if someone wins one of the temptations, he or she is not eligible to win the title of Head of Household.  Houseguests should make their choices carefully because once you go for one thing you can't backtrack and try to catch up to get another thing.

Boogie is the only person who's going for the $10,000.  Jenn, Joe, Brittney, Dan, and Ashley are battling it out for safety this week.  That leaves Ian, Danielle, and Shane competing for the tile of HoH.  

Who do you think will win safety in this competition?  Who do you think will win HoH?  Please share your thoughts in the comments section.  

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