Monday, August 20, 2012

Big Brother 14: August 19, 2012 Recap: The End of the Silent Six

Tonight's episode of Big Brother 14 begins with the HoH competition.  As you may recall from Thursday's episode, the houseguests must transfer liquid from one end of a slippery path to the other.  The person who can fill their container and get the cork out first wins the title of Head of Household.  However, there are two temptations available for the houseguests in this competition as well: safety and $10,000.  Once a houseguest wins one of the temptations, he or she is out of the competition and nobody else is eligible to win that prize.

Initially, there are only three people who are trying to win HoH - Shane, Ian, and Danielle.  Boogie is going for the $10,000 and everyone else is trying to get safety.

Frank is sort of irritated that Boogie is going for the $10,000 instead of HoH.  He hopes it won't come back to bite them in the butt later.  LOL.

Brittney ends up winning safety, so everyone else has to start trying to win the HoH now, too.  Danielle and Ian seem to far a lot more than everyone else during this competition.

When Dan can't get safety, he makes a real play for the HoH title.  He actually passes Ian, but Shane ultimately wins the competition.  Boogie, of course, wins the $10,000 as he was the only one going for it.

When it's time to see Shane's HoH room, Jenn and Frank don't go up to see it with everyone else.  Jenn does go up to see it later, though.  Frank just assumes he's safe, so maybe that's why he didn't go see it?  That seems like a bad idea if you ask me...

Ian pulls Brittney aside and informs her that before the live show, Boogie told him they need to get Brittney and Shane out of the game.  Brittney and Shane hold a meeting with the Quack Pack in the HoH room where everyone suggests Shane put Boogie and Frank up on the nomination block together this week.  Shane is hesitant, but everyone assures him that they will back him up, which seems to make him feel better.

It's amusing that Boogie and Frank trust Ian so much when he's really working with the Quack Pack.  Later on in the episode, Ian talks about how it would be cool to have a heroes versus villains season of Big Brother.  He said he would be a villain, but Boogie insists there isn't a mean bone in Ian's body, LOL.

Ian goes on another date with Ashley.  Before his date, he has some of the girls in the house help him take care of his armpit hair with Nair (a trick he says he learned from Shane).  Brittney is funny as she helps Ian with yellow rubber gloves on her hands.  She says his armpit hair looks like a dead animal.

The date between Ian and Ashley seemed rather awkward.  Ashley determines that they are just friends.

The houseguests find a clear mystery box in the arcade room containing some balls and a big question mark.  Ian speculates that it has something to do with Pandora's Box.  Shane wonders if this means his nominations will be messed with, so he contemplates putting floaters on the block instead.

Nomination Ceremony

In the end, Shane decides to nominate Boogie and Frank.  Boogie is determined to win the Power of Veto this week to take himself off.

The Silent Six alliance is over.  Alliances sure don't seem to last very long this season, do they?

Do you have any theories on the Mystery Box?  Please share your thoughts with me in the comments section.

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